Saturday, June 27, 2009

San Diego

My short escape and first visit to San Diego fulfilled some of my ever longing need to feel the ocean. Anything to escape the sweltering 100 + degree weather we're getting here in Texas. I adore the jagged, earthy sandstone cliffs of La Jolla, framed by a big, broad sky and 70 degree temps, wow. And the pandas and gorillas! California is a real gem...some day I'll spend more time there...I could spend days just taking pictures of the rock formations, wiggling the sand between my toes and getting to know the seals by name.....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

MYSTIC FALLS - New Painting of The Day

I'm up early today taking photographs of many of my new paintings. The scorching afternoon Texas heat has gotten unbearable already while the mornings are still very pleasant. I enjoy taking photographs of my work outdoors in daylight where you can really see the true colors and nuance.

Here is a sneak peek at my latest abstract landscape work entitled Mystic Falls...available through my online gallery soon. If you look into it, you will get carried into a roaring riverfall that seems to come from somewhere right out of a dream. It's quite mesmerizing...a the way it turned out but I could never recreate something like this...totally in the moment dance with my subconscious.

Title: Mystic Falls
Size: 72"x36"x1.5 (36"x24" ea. canvas)
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Please visit my online gallery to purchase

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sculptor's Paradise

It's no secret that I am a huge fan of metallics. You see it everywhere hidden in my art, my paintings, my clocks, all over my wardrobe. And, boy do I love texture-so much so that I deem myself more of a paint sculptor than anything else. So, in order to really take those elements to new extremes, it makes total sense that I would feel a deep pull to full fledge sculpting. For the last few months I've been deeply engaged, thirsting if you will, to learn as much as I can about all the various sculpting techniques.

It was bound to happen when I recently moved to a new East Austin space...right next door, it turns out, to the largest metal recycling yard in town! From my third story, I've peered over that massive metal yard for over a year now, my mind churning with creative juices over the potential of tons and tons of random pieces and scraps of odds and ends, shapes and textures. Ah! An artist's treasure trove of underappreciated, lustrous metals waiting for their potential beauty to be discovered.

So, lately I've been busily studying sculpture in Austin with a very talented, master sculptor, Steve Dubov. I have learned how to bring my obsession with texture to it's absolute highest potential...pure 3d sculpture. My fascination at the moment lies in metals ie. copper, stainless steel and aluminum...clay feels fantastic too...squishing it between your fingers...but metal has my heart at the moment.

Anyway, today I just returned from my newest favorite pastime--pilfering through the metal recycling yard--where I found this box full of magic goodies. I know it looks like a pile of "whatever" to most, but to my imagination, it's pure Sculpting Heaven. The guys at the yard look at scrawny little me like they fear for my life in this moshpit of ten ton, back breaking steel. Little do they know, we are only JUST getting started..I'm certain we are going to become very good friends in the years to come!

Stay tuned to see what these diamonds in the rough turn into.......

Off to awe at my finds and gear up the drillpress.........

Friday, May 15, 2009

Paramount Theatre's 93rd Gala Fundraiser

Head down to Congress Ave. tomorrow night in support of the arts and put your best bid in for one of my original paintings! As a lover of all things art, most especially visual and theater, I was thrilled to be asked to participate in the most exclusive live and silent auctions in Austin, the Paramount Theatre and State Theater's 93rd Anniversary Gala. A sell out almost every year, it plays a huge part in funding world class performing art in Austin including the historical downtown Paramount Theatre. A live concert will feature the legendary Boz Scaggs, with Kate Edmonson and Radiostar. See you there!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Feeling Blue

Size: (3x) 5"x5"x1.5" ea. canvas
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: $95
Please visit my online gallery to purchase

Here's a little sneak peek of my newest painting-part of my small works series. I have really been drawn to these gorgeous, vibrant blues lately. The middle canvas is a sheer blue over silver metallic acrylic...I really like the way they turned out...they give the room a little pop. Each one was a little experiment in itself. You'll see more Blue sneaking into my next large series of works...fits my current mood, I guess. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sweet Melody...New Painting of The Day

Here's a sneak preview of a new original painting I created...I haven't released it yet...I will post this beauty to my online gallery soon but here's a little looksie (in natural lighting) for grins! This piece seems to entrance everyone who sees it...they smile....and gaze...and smile....and gaze....hmmm....come to think of it, I do smile a bit more too when it's, it does look pretty darn good here in my gallery....a keeper?

Title: Sweet Melody
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 36"x36"x1.5"

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New Small Works Series

Title: Untitled
Medium: Acrylic and Patina on Canvas
Size 5"x5"x1.5" ea. canvas
Price: $95
Please visit my online gallery to purchase

My sneak preview of the day is a new SMALL abstract triptych painting I just finished. I'm really excited about my new series of small abstract works on canvas and board. I'll be posting them up this week. I started working on these flirty little guys after getting several requests from clients who were looking for unique art for those smaller, awkward spaces that you find all over your place ....I started realizing that my studio gallery has them too-everywhere-so these are a welcome addition to my environment as well. Working on them has been freeing...waaaay different for me after creating only very large works for several years. I'm having too much fun with them anyways...experimenting, trying new mediums and new techniques without having to worry about committing to an entire huge canvas. Enjoy!

Monday, May 4, 2009

New Painting of the Day

Here is a sneak peek at my latest creation.....I find it very calming, yet pulsing...the way you feel when a very violent storm has just passed and you are left with a tremendous sense of relief and calm.
This piece will soon be available for sale through my online gallery....enjoy!

Title: After The Storm
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 48"x48"x1.5"
Please contact me to purchase

Sunday, May 3, 2009

New Painting of The Day

A sneak peek at my latest creation...not yet released...but soon available for purchase through my online gallery.

Title: Lost Moon
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 18"x14"x2.5"
Please contact me to purchase

Friday, May 1, 2009

New Painting of the Day

Here's a sneak peek of my newest painting to be released makes a bold, yet minimalist statement...perfect splash of burnt red for that elegant, zen environment!

Title: In The Mood
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 36"x36"x1.5"
Contact me to purchase

My Orange Aura

I took this quiz the other day on Facebook. It tells you what color your "aura" is. The results are very interesting...eerily true...since I have a thing for -almost to the point of obsession with- the color orange these days....I find that just a tad of orange balances out my chi so often. Funny, because most of my life I never thought I liked orange but when I learned how to use it and incorporate it into my style, a couple of years's like me and orange are soulmates....and sometimes I have to hide the orange paint tube from sight so it won't distract me...and I will feel free to explore some other colors....quirky, I know. Here is how the test describes someone, like me, with an orange aura:

Orange personalities are the creative adventurers in the color spectrum. They have an inner urge to be creative, active and enjoy life to its fullest. They are also individual and independent and integrate physical and mental qualities. They enjoy the challenge and excitement of forming and shaping physical reality. Orange personalities love to imagine and plan strategies for their next adventure or project and then put those plans into action. They need to be involved in the actual working process and want to physically shape and form their own ideas. They have difficulty sitting back and letting other people do things for them. They are always busy building, organizing and shaping their projects and physical reality. An Orange personality's motivation in life is based on how much pleasure and satisfaction they get out of their own adventures, challenges and creative projects. They want to be adventurous, creative and live out their own ideas.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Painting of The Day

Sneak preview of my newest painting, to be released soon...

Title: Dream Magic

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 48"x48"x1.5"
Contact me for purchase

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

One step forward...two steps back

Some artists sketch out their paintings, doing studies and organizing their thoughts on paper or canvas ahead of the actual final product like wise, wise people-NOT ME! I just dive right in-some days that works like a charm...creating fresh, unpretentious ideas and concepts...and some days, like today, I curse myself to tears for not preplanning...after the self loathing, I scribble over everything, throw my paintbrushes in the sink and retire for the night...that would be right now.

On days like today, I realize I've spent hours creating something that seemed perfectly on track for a while and somewhere...along the way...things. went. terribly. wrong. One step forward--two steps back--urghhh. What was supposed to be a very warm piece turned into a TOO warm piece...or maybe I just got into a gradually cooler mood, who knows...anyway, the painting got gradually cooler until it ceased making sense and now, except for the part shown above, it's just a big mess *sigh* ...Well, maybe, just maybe I can get a nice underlayer out of it later, we'll see.

This is exactly what I mean when I say I challenge myself to find my interesting stopping's knowing where to stop that makes the artist...and sometimes, when we're at that crossroads, we take the wrong path and do a full circle....better luck tomorrow.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Rainy Day Bliss

We've been getting some awesome thunderstorms here in Austin. I love them, bring 'em on! Rainy days compliment all my favorite coffee, wildflowers, watching movies, good conversation, cuddling, roaring fires and of course...PAINTING! I have been in the zone all weekend getting things done, primarily my last series of paintings where I'm taking metallics and mixed media an extra step forward. Can't wait to post them....

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Galapagos

I just got back from an amazing journey through the Galapagos Islands. This wildlife lover's paradise has been unspoiled by the footprints of mankind and remains an enchanting eco corner of the globe...minimally changed from its origins thousands of years back...

There is something very minimalistic about the scenery here....wide open blue skies..framing the rocky, volcanic island's all so hypnotic.....yet, look even closer and you'll see more endemic and unique species than you can possibly take in during one trip....a constant battle of the senses....between the overall landscape versus the beauty of details.

This land, for me, emphasizes the importance of negative space....and how important it is to leave room to appreciate the tranquility and the precious gems of the land.

It was a worldly, sensual experience that is certain to stick with me for some time. See my new travel blog to read more about it:

Friday, March 13, 2009

Visit me on Facebook!

I'm on Facebook. I would love to connect with more artists and more art lovers worldwide so stop by and friend me to chat or see what's new in my unpredictable world of art, travel and pura vida. Register for a free account.
Visit me on Facebook

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New York Art Expo... & The Art Pilgrimage

It's been a while since I've written; lately I've been doing a lot of soul searching...trying to figure out what direction I need to focus on in my career going forward...should I focus more on art shows versus internet sales versus retail venues etc? seems like there are so many different roads you can take as an artist, especially as a self represented artist. And, after wearing 10 hats, when you're at your most tired, the ever present thought of just handing all the grueling details over to a third person gallery is always looming there in the not so far distance.

Being an artist is a lonely job. You spend 90% of your time working alone...or with the guys at Fed Ex or the art store folks...blah...solitude can be a necessary evil if your art requires it...but...then we crash...and realize that it is absolutely essential that we get out of the studio to seek new inspiration, new artistic visions......absorb it...all types, forms and mediums....and ultimately fan the artistic flame....Introducing new thoughts to ourselves, seeing artists breaking the rules...awe, the can be very freeing...healing...even if you don't purchase a thing...

In the last couple of months I've dipped my muse into the oh so enlightening artscape of New Mexico which is so far my #1 favorite place to go when I need a good kick in the butt of artistic inspiration. I'll tell you more about that later....

Then last weekend I made a pilgrimage to the 2009 New York Art Expo, looking to find the holy grail of artistic talent.

Now, holy grail it was not...New Mexico still far outweighs the Expo experience, as far as I'm concerned, but there was definitely a lot of art to be seen-a couple of artists that I really admired-and many, many networking possibilities. A few more "cheap, painting mill" stuff out of China than I was expecting but...for the most part...

Has anyone out there tried exhibiting at New York Art Expo? If so, how did it work out?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Going to extremes

Ok, for some reason I can't pin down yet, I find myself in the mood lately to make really, really tiny paintings and really, really HUGEMONGOUS some of the biggest yet....wonder what this means...hmmm??? any case, I am going to be starting and finishing a whole series of both in the coming weeks so if you are curious, stay posted to see what these turn into.........

Friday, January 2, 2009

अर्त्फुल न्यू इयर!

Artful New Year to all my fellow art loving friends! One of my New Year's resolutions for 2009 is to blog more, about art, about life, about's just nice to be able to throw caution to the wind....let down the guard a bit...tune in to see if I can keep this one.....